According to related law, total days of sessions for council are 100 days per year. There are 2 regular sessions each year. Extra sessions can be convoked if the local head or more than 1/3 of council members request.
Local council does not open all year long, and only opens for certain period of time. Gathering at certain place to operate the function of council is called meeting.
Term is decided for the voting of council. First regular session is held in July and second regular session in November every year.
Therefore, total number of meeting days per year is to be within 100 days, including regular and extra sessions.
Extra session can be convoked within at least 15 days from requested date by chairman if the local head or more than 1/3 of council members request. When there is request for convocation of extra session, chairman must announce the meeting 5 days before meeting, and session is to be held by announcing it to every council member. Regular session can be convoked just by announcement without any request. Action of council starts as soon as session starts, and the period that allows action of council is called "Term".
This main session is the highest decision organization that decides the deliberation of council.
Schedule that states opening date, proposals to be discussed and the order, and related information for bills should be distributed to seats before session starts, and when more than 1/3 of the council members, the number of councilmen to pass bill enter, session begins.
Opening ceremony is to be held before opening of session in the first day of the meeting that starts the new term. Generally, the mayor and main public officials participate in opening ceremony.
After opening ceremony, opening of new session is announced. Matters for council members to know for session, such as proposing and submitting of bill, and submitting report for investigation are reported first, and proposals are presented and discussed in the order, stated in schedule. In first day of the meeting, simple matters such as opening ceremony, decision of term, and voting for councilmen that signs the minutes are treated.
Look at the order of treating the proposals in this session. After bill is presented, council members listen to explanation of proposer and report of pre-investigation takes place, and it is decided by voting after questioning and answering. When there is question, chairman of committee that investigated the bill or council members that investigated the bill give the supplemental explanation. For explanation of proposal, proposer or councilman, who explained the proposal, answers the question. Discussion is to be progressed in the order of disagree, and agree. After discussion, end of discussion and voting are announced.
Voting is the last stage of deliberation of bill that decides the agree or disagree by apprehending the opinions on the bill. There are unanimous vote, standing vote, secret vote, and open vote. When there is disagreeing discussion, most bills are treated by standing vote. When there is no question or discussion, unanimous vote is used. Also, when there is voting in the session by proposal of chairman or motion of council members, session can be progressed by that voting method.
Except for the special matters that treated by committees, voting of general bills are voted by attendance of majority of the council members and majority of attending council members agree. Chairman has the rights of voting, and if the result is tie, it is treated as rejection. When schedule for the day is all finished, next date of meeting and closing of meeting are announced.