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A Council that Works Together with the Citizens Through Communication and Cooperation Jeonju city council


Hello, this is the chairman of Jeonju City Council, Key-dong Lee
	We will bring a new era of local autonomy, granting power to the citizens.

Hello, I am Key-dong Lee, chairman of Jeonju City Council.

Thank you for visiting the Jeonju City Council website.

Jeonju City and local autonomy continued to thrive even during the global crisis that has resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. Jeonju City Council which has focused on providing impeccable disease prevention measures and financial support to the city, will continue to overcome the crisis and bring a new hopeful era.

Recognizing the pending issues of our times, we will constantly think carefully, serve the citizens and act with integrity for a brighter future.

Due to the complete revision of the Local Autonomy Act, the role of local councils has increased. We will reach out to every citizen and hear out even the smallest voices of our citizens. We will bring a new era where the citizens’ will becomes the vision for the region and serves as the foundation for our policy-making.

We would like to ask for your continued support and interest towards Jeonju City Council and we promise you that we will make the citizens the true leaders of local autonomy.

Thank you.

Chairman of the Jeonju City Council

Key-dong Lee

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보